Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute

AI Meetup: Attabotics & Reducing Disinformation on Social Media


Oct 12, 2022

Content Type


Amii’s Virtual AI Meetup is a monthly event where AI researchers, professionals and enthusiasts gather to learn and chat about AI-related topics.

The September 20, 2022 edition of the Meetup highlighted two projects featured in Amii’s annual Impact Report. Hosted by Amii CEO Cam Linke, the event featured:

  • James R. Wright (Fellow & Canada CIFAR AI Chair at Amii; Assistant Professor – University of Alberta) on how AI can help reduce the spread of disinformation on social media platforms.

  • Payam Mousavi (Applied Research Scientist at Amii) on Calgary-based robotics company Attabotics, and how Amii is helping them improve their innovative warehousing sortation and fulfillment system with machine learning.

Thanks to all who were able to join us! If you missed the Meetup, watch it above.