Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute

AICML and Amii Collaboration | Amii


Nov 16, 2016

Introducing Amii

We’re thrilled to introduce you to Amii, the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute, a world-leading team of machine intelligence researchers housed at the University of Alberta and other post-secondary institutions.

We originally started in 2002 as AICML (the Alberta Innovates Centre for Machine Learning), specializing in advanced research and development in the fields of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, together called machine intelligence.

As a research institute launched out of the Department of Computing Science, we push the bounds of academic knowledge and develop innovative solutions for some of the toughest challenges facing Alberta and beyond.

With the launch of our new brand, we are reaffirming our commitment to creating and discovering the future of machine intelligence.

Driving Innovations in Research

Our team of researchers conduct advanced research in areas such as reinforcement learning, algorithmic game theory, data science and health informatics, among others.

Many will recognize our team’s contributions to the varied field of machine intelligence.

In 2007, we solved checkers, a long-standing challenge problem for AI researchers, and in 2015, we produced the first AI agent capable of playing an essentially-perfect game of heads-up limit hold’em poker. Through the Arcade Learning Environment, we’ve encouraged researchers around the world to adopt a new challenge problem focused on Atari 2600 games.

Outside of AI challenge problems, we’ve also produced leading-edge innovations toward the diagnosis of tuberculosis and ADHD, and we work to enhance the lives of people with upper-body amputations through intelligent artificial limbs.

Through these and a number of other projects, we continue to push forward fundamental understanding of machine intelligence algorithms, architectures and applications.

Delivering Intelligent Business Solutions

In launching our new website,, we’re also stepping up our efforts to deliver innovative applications of machine intelligence to businesses in Alberta and beyond.

Whether you’re looking to enhance your business, enable scientific discovery or understand the next wave of advanced computing, Amii can help.


Spencer Murray
