Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute

Big Idea: Energy-Efficient Learning


May 6, 2020

Amii Machine Learning Advisor Hossein Shahandeh, also a Fellow of the Energy Futures Lab (EFL), recently spoke to a crowd of nearly 60 attendees at the “Five Big Ideas for Alberta’s Economic Recovery” virtual conference. The EFL-hosted event looked at the global economic crisis caused by COVID-19 and offered strategic investment ideas for economic recovery within the province.

EFL is an initiative that brings together multidisciplinary partners to discuss, experiment and innovate on the topics of climate change, energy security and sustainable development in Alberta. Shahandeh has been a Fellow since January 2020 thanks to his background in chemical engineering and his expertise in oil & gas, and industry applications of AI.

“International companies have opened labs in Alberta because we have all of the raw ingredients for world-leading AI,” notes Shahandeh. “We’re known worldwide for our excellence in AI research, we have a collaborative tech ecosystem, and we have a strong talent pool from institutions like the University of Alberta”

During his session, Shahandeh describes two examples of where AI could be implemented in industry: predictive trends and process optimization. In both examples, organizations working with Amii have built their in-house AI capabilities, leveraging their newfound innovation capacity to make more accurate, data-driven predictions.

View his session below to learn more about why AI is essential to Alberta’s economic recovery:


Hossein Shahandeh
