Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute

Asynchronous Stochastic Approximation and Average-Reward Reinforcement Learning


Sep 24, 2024


Reinforcement Learning


This paper studies asynchronous stochastic approximation (SA) algorithms and their application to reinforcement learning in semi-Markov decision processes (SMDPs) with an averagereward criterion. We first extend Borkar and Meyn’s stability proof method to accommodate more general noise conditions, leading to broader convergence guarantees for asynchronous SA algorithms. Leveraging these results, we establish the convergence of an asynchronous SA analogue of Schweitzer’s classical relative value iteration algorithm, RVI Q-learning, for finite-space, weakly communicating SMDPs. Furthermore, to fully utilize the SA results in this application, we introduce new monotonicity conditions for estimating the optimal reward rate in RVI Q-learning. These conditions substantially expand the previously considered algorithmic framework, and we address them with novel proof arguments in the stability and convergence analysis of RVI Q-learning.


Huizhen Yu

Yi Wan

Richard S. Sutton
