Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute

Chief Revenue Officer

Marlene McNaughton

Marlene McNaughton’s interest in artificial intelligence was sparked over 25 years ago when she completed her honours thesis in Journalism on the topic. Her appointment to Amii as a board member in 2018 rekindled this interest; now coming full circle to join the Amii team as Chief Revenue Officer, she is passionate about contributing to the success of Amii’s mission and the Pan-Canadian AI Strategy.

Marlene has worked in business development and sales in many technology companies, including start-ups and a national leading software brand, and has won 10 national and international awards for her integrated marketing communications campaigns.

Over the last decade, she has worked with enterprise-class businesses with their technology and data adoption and is excited to extend this focus to the transformative potential of AI. She is excited to work alongside her amazing team of experts every day to assist companies with their journey through AI exploration and machine learning adoption.

Marlene is currently completing her MSc, has completed honours programs in Journalism, International Business, and Marketing, and holds certifications with the Digital Marketing Institute of Ireland and the American Marketing Association.