Research Post

Domain-shift adaptation via linear transformations


A predictor, fA : X → Y , learned with data from a source domain (A) might not be accurate on a target domain (B) when their distributions are different. Domain adaptation aims to reduce the negative effects of this distribution mismatch. Here, we analyze the case where PA(Y | X) 6= PB(Y | X), PA(X) 6= PB(X) but PA(Y ) = PB(Y ); where there are affine transformations of X that makes all distributions equivalent. We propose an approach to project the source and target domains into a lower-dimensional, common space, by (1) projecting the domains into the eigenvectors of the empirical covariance matrices of each domain, then (2) finding an orthogonal matrix that minimizes the maximum mean discrepancy between the projections of both domains. For arbitrary affine transformations, there is an inherent unidentifiability problem when performing unsupervised domain adaptation that can be alleviated in the semi-supervised case. We show the effectiveness of our approach in simulated data and in binary digit classification tasks, obtaining improvements up to 48% accuracy when correcting for the domain shift in the data.

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