AI Seminar – Xinxin Zhou
Presenter: Xinxin Zhou, University of Alberta
Title: Towards High-fidelity 3D Modeling and Animation
Abstract: We take lots of pictures everyday with our mobile phones where the images are 2D arrays storing the color values. But we live in a 3D world and the ability to reason about the 3D properties is the basic technique for accomplishing tasks such as navigation, object manipulation and scene understanding, etc. In this talk, she will present some of her recent works on designing low-cost and convenient 3D modeling systems to build high quality 3D models such as human avatars, by exploiting machine learning techniques. And stepping forward from the modeling problem, she will also share some interesting works on model animation.
Bio: Xinxin Zuo is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Vision and Learning Lab, University of Alberta. She received her Ph.D degree from the Department of Computer Sciences, University of Kentucky, in 2019. Before that, she received B.Eng. and M.Eng. degrees from the School of Computer Science, Northwestern Polytechnical University. Her research interests include Machine Learning, Computer Vision and Computer Graphics, in particular in 3D vision. She has published 20+ papers on related areas, including top journals such as TPAMI/IJCV/TMM and top conferences like CVPR/ICCV/ECCV.
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